Unsure which type of paint you need to use?
With over 20 years experience supplying paints to a wide range of industries we understand the importance of making sure you choose the correct paint for your substrate. But we also know that it is as equally as important to prepare the surface you are painting on, correctly. We supply paints and coatings to the…
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Looking to add some life to your BBQ and fire pit?
With summer now upon on us and the holiday period fast approaching now is the time to make sure your BBQ is ready for the garden party season. This doesn’t mean the expense of replacing your BBQ as it can be done easily, and at a fraction of the cost, using heat resistant paint. Heat…
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Did you know you can transform your PVC windows with uPVC spray paint.
With spring now upon us, and the forecast of some lovely weather over the next few weeks, what better time to start thinking about modernising your windows and doors! Now, you might think your windows and doors look tired and need modernising but think the only option is to replace them all. Well the good…
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